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- From: khollis@bitsink.gbdata.com (K. Hollis)
- Subject: Re: LTMF and dialog standards?
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 11:06:45 +0000 (GMT)
- In-Reply-To: <2e038a901a01@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca> from "Michel Forget" at Jun 17, 94 12:33:32 pm
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Michel:
- > Background information is nice; having a short note about when it was
- > ratified and how many people were on the list to help create it would
- > give the user a sense of validity to the proposal. It is much more
- > credible to say "100 developers support this" than "I support this"... :)
- Then, what we need to do is get a running list of all of the people who
- are registered on this list, and those who have taken active part in
- deciding the standards. I am already working on Level 3+ standards for
- dialog boxes, so don't come up with any before then... I'm still working
- on 'em.
- In LTMF-2, I just put in the main dialog that it supports "Gem-List
- Standards" rather than suffocating the user in what it is. I made the icon
- itself TOUCHEXIT flag, so if they click on it, it brings up a short little
- *SCROLLABLE* help screen showing them about the program. (The scrollable
- help screen was based on Christian Grunenberg's idea).
- -- Ken
- /\/\______________________________________________________/\/\
- || Bitgate Software, 744 NW Kinney, Grants Pass, OR 97526 || Official
- |+--------------------------------------------------------+| Atari
- || Developer of Let 'em Fly Revision II (From O. Scheel) || Programming
- || IRC Nick = Jigen / E-Mail: khollis@bitsink.gbdata.com || Developer
- \/\/""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""\/\/